
Concrete Mattress Fabric formwork

The concrete mattress is formed by a geotextile fabric formwork composed of two layers, interconnected by spacer threads that define its final thickness. The concrete mattress is filled with special fluid mortars that, due to their colloidal characteristics, can be injected under water without prejudice to the main characteristics of concrete and mortars, reaching resistance between 15 Mpa to 25 Mpa.

Colloidal mortar

It is a special cement and sand mortar, in a 1: 2.5 volume ratio with a water-cement factor of around 0.6, which, through the mixing process in high-speed mills, acquires the colloidal property and can therefore be injected into without disaggregating and without changing the cement water factor, acquiring average resistance between 15 Mpa and 25 Mpa, to meet the specific demand of each project.

Among its main uses are:

  • Lining of rivers and canals;
  • Protection of submerged slopes;
  • Slope protection against erosion;
  • Ballast and mechanical protection;
  • Scour protection.

The shapes are specially developed for each type of work, with its versatility of models and varieties of thickness, ranging from 8 to 56 cm, one of its main characteristics.

In our services in the concrete mattress system, we use synthetic fabric formworks from the main world manufacturers, customized by our specialists according to the needs of each work.

The concrete mattress has also been used as an engineering solution for:

  • Recovery of irrigation channels;
  • River channeling in places of low resistance soils, such as soft clay;
  • Recovery of laden channels, where the presence of water cannot be prevented;
  • Bottom covering in channels of drowned mixed section;
  • Erosion control of rivers, channels and lakes;
  • Channel lining;
  • Versatility of adaptation in different geometries;
  • Scour protection.

Colloidal mortar Mixing and pumping equipment

We have our own colloidal mortar preparation and injection equipment with trained and qualified personnel to operate our colloidal mortar preparation and injection equipment, without relying on concrete supply, which can be easily installed and subsequently operated in the most diverse construction situations, with injection capacity up to 6,0 m³ per hour and 200 m of horizontal distance from the work point, easily installed in places of difficult access, river banks, small boats etc.

Coastal Protection – Synthetic Rockfill

We call synthetic rockfill the process of injecting textile forms with mortars or special concretes to replace the conventional rockfill with the use of stones, thus avoiding the traffic of trucks and heavy equipment in urban areas and places of difficult access, such as condominiums, slopes and urbanized beaches.

An important feature to be highlighted is the possibility of molding “in loco” with the greatest diversity of shapes and weights, blocks or bags that, due to their positioning, dissipate the wave energy, thus guaranteeing the stability of the jetty in the face of the impact of largest waves existing on our coast.

Colloidal mortar

It is a special cement and sand mortar, with a volume quantity of 1: 2.5 with a water-cement factor of around 0.6, which, through the mixing process in high-speed mills, acquires the colloidal property and can therefore be injected in water, without disaggregating and without changing the water cement factor, acquiring average resistance between 15 Mpa and 25 Mpa, to meet the specific demand of each project

The synthetic rockfill composed of synthetic forms (fabric) filled with COLOIDAL mortar, does not offer environmental risks in its execution, in addition to its execution speed providing a low level of interference in the construction site.

Its main applications are:

  • Breakwater constructions
  • Recovery of coastal protection structures
  • Coastal protection
  • Protection of marine equipment

Textile bags can also be used to recover piers found in accelerated erosion processes, with loss of material from the retro area. The forms will be prefabricated according to the specific project, injected with special colloidal mortar, providing the closing of the caves and cracks, interrupting the escape of materials and recovery of the structure.

Mixed sections can be produced by completing the core with different materials and, thus, without loss of stability or durability, achieve considerable savings in concrete or mortars injected in its filling.

In regions with difficult supply of rocks, we were able to develop pier projects or current guide with great budget competitiveness.

Synthetic fabric formwork for coastal protection and shore protection also offer an economically viable and seemingly natural alternative to concrete and stone. They can be filled with materials of local origin, such as sand, thus eliminating the need for large volumes of stone in the work. Likewise, transport volumes that generate high costs and significant environmental impacts are also very low.

Colloidal mortar mixing and pumping equipment

We have our own colloidal mortar preparation and injection equipment with trained and qualified personnel to operate, without relying on concrete supply by third parties, which can be easily installed and subsequently operated in the most diverse construction situations, with injection capacity up to 6,0 m³ per hour and 200 m horizontal distance from the work point, easily installed in hard to reach places, river banks, small boats etc.

Grout bags – Free span corrections

GALBEG GROUTING’s technical staff has already executed more than 1,500 pipeline subsea supports (Grout bags) for free spans corrections in oil and gas pipelines and cables in the main offshore oil areas in Brazil.

Our main activities in submerged pipelines are:

  • Free span correction;
  • Ballasting and mechanical protection;
  • Support and protection of subsea structures;
  • Scour protection.

We develop special fabric formworks for the most diverse free span correction operations in the most varied types of situations, such as in sand wave areas, low resistance soils, among others.

We operate throughout Brazil, with greater emphasis in the Campos Basin, at depths of 50 to 600m, in addition to great performance in the Rio Grande do Norte and Ceará Basins, as well as in the main rivers of the Amazon.

We design and develop fabric formworks for special grout bags to be used for shallow or saturated diving, providing a better optimization of bottom time, as well as avoiding waste of injected material.

We also operate with mobile units throughout Brazil, in the main pipeline crossings in rivers, such as: GASBEL, OSBRA, Coari-Manaus Gas Pipeline, OSPAR 34, among others.

Colloidal mortar

It is a special cement and sand mortar, in volume 1: 2.5 with a water-cement factor of around 0.6 which, through the mixing process in high-speed mills, acquires the colloidal property and can therefore be injected into the water, without disaggregating and without changing the water cement factor, acquiring average resistance between 15 Mpa and 25 Mpa, to meet the specific demand of each project

Colloidal mortar mixing and pumping equipment

We use compact colloidal mortar mixing and injection equipment, with trained and qualified personnel to operate them, without relying on concrete supply by third parties. Our mortar plants can be easily installed and subsequently operated in the most diverse site jobs and work’s situations, with capacity injection in up to 6,00 m³ per hour and 200 m of horizontal distance from the work point or in varied depths in the sea.

Mortar plants are easily installed and adapted to dive ships, platforms or small supply.

GALBEG Grouting is able to install Grout bags using ROVs.

Concrete Mattress System


FLXMAT™ – specialists in the design, engineering, manufacture, supply and installation of concrete mattresses since 1993.


With operations in the main countries of the world, with services provided to the main companies in the oil and gas sectors, and renewable energy generation, Telecom, ports and coastal industries.

Its main applications are:

  • Submerged pipeline crossings
  • Erosion control
  • Protection against falling objects
  • Protection of submarine cables
  • Cathodic protection mattresses
  • Scour protection

The FLXMAT™ concrete mattress comprises a matrix of interconnected concrete blocks shaped using plastic moulds (shells) to create the signature of the mattress required.

We produce shapes with heights ranging from 100 mm to 900 mm that can be combined, thus offering several options for the final weight of the concrete mattress.

The standard FLXMAT™ retains plastic shells. The finished concrete mattress is covered by a 3mm protective plastic shell.

The new FLXMAT™ RAW 2018 offers the signature FLXMAT™ concrete mattress with the plastic shells removed.

The development of the FLXMAT™ product is the result of 18 years of continuous field experience.

We have in Brazil an installation frame for concrete mattress, enabled to launch up to two concrete mattress simultaneously, with a capacity of up to 30 ton.

Visit to learn more about the FLXMAT™ system of precast concrete mattresses.